step by step i walk this path and live my dreams

where the emptiness never fades

Friday, December 28, 2007
i've a weak spot for mandarin songs. a love-hate relationship of sorts. highly indulgent kind of sin..which..i just keep falling prey to especially when night falls.

many a time it feels almost like an addiction. an addiction to wallow in self pity / dramatise life / simply to just release the flood gates of the day-sensitive tear ducts. Thus the addiction to keep relistening to the same old *literally old* songs abt lost love n a better life.

then again it's prob due to the festivities (both the time to be with tt absent loved one..or maybe just the post high depression) plus the lunch talk trigger..thus the temptation to just childishly sink in again.

guess the amazing part is who i naturally tear over. the distant memory from 5 years ago. almost as if everything before n after tt were so insignificant & non-exisitent. hah this fact somehow brings a warm smile amid droplets rolling off the cheeks.

ah wells..guess it's prob just the quiet of the night that's echoing tt lil corner of emptiness thus all the nostalgia n bittersweet. typing this has kinda drained tt energy to concentrate on the lyrics..which is good..cos time to turn in and be all bright n smiley again at work tom.

3 more days to the new year. can't wait to start another exciting year. this yr's been filled with lots of unexpected good fortune. hope this keeps up. for myself and for everyone ard me too. *hugs*

2:12 AM :: ::
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